
STEM Synergy never stops!
About a year ago in 2024, we presented the first solar bakery installed by our partner and licensee Stem Synergy in Ethiopia. Since then our partner and licensee STEM Synergy has done A LOT to empower communities through STEM Education and Sustainable Solutions Ras Mekonnen Elementary School (…)
Leaving Twitter/X behind and moving on
We just closed down our Twitter/X accounts for Lytefire. Soon we’ll move away from Facebook and Instagram. The best way to follow up is our newsletter: We also continue to be active on LinkedIn:

Solar Nurturing Artisans
Here we are at last! First feedbacks from African and European entrepreneurs. First case studies. And a second stage of development in sight! Beyond the humanitarian work we’re passionate about, several artisans (craftsmen) have taken up the challenge and set up shop to run their business with (…)

Les Artisans Solaires Nourriciers
Nous y sommes enfin. Premiers retours d’expériences des entrepreneurs africains et européens. Premières études de cas. Et par conséquent, deuxième stade d’évolution en perspective !! Au-delà de l’aide humanitaire qui nous passionne, plusieurs artisans ont relevé le défi et se sont installés (…)

Solar Concentration Outperforms Photovoltaic Panels in Cost and Performance, Here is Why
This is indeed something we get asked from time to time. And the answer is yes, solar concentration is cheaper in many contexts. It depends on what you want to do with the energy. Left: A student and I installing a PV system at a school in rural Nepal. Right: Lytefire solar cookers deployed (…)

Nous soutenons volontiers vos campagnes de financement participatif (crowdfunding) !
C’est très stimulant pour nous de voir de nouveaux entrepreneurs solaires s’équiper de leur matériel Lytefire en demandant à leur communauté de les soutenir. A chaque fois, de beaux cercles vertueux se créent, et nous, chez Lytefire, on aime ça ! C’est aussi ça l’économie circulaire, non ? (…)

We gladly support your crowdfunding campaigns!
It’s very energizing for us to see new solar entrepreneurs setting themselves up with their Lytefire equipment and asking their own communities to support them. Each time beautiful virtuous circles are created and we, at Lytefire, love to see that! Isn’t this as well circular economy in full? (…)

Micro-brasserie Hélie, entretien avec le fondateur
Voici une brève video pour voir comment Romain utilise sa Lytefire : Début 2024, notre collègue Muriel est allée rendre visite à Romain Zamboni dans l’Est de la France. L’objectif était de mieux comprendre son travail et sa motivation à lancer une brasserie fonctionnant à l’énergie solaire. (…)

Micro-brewery Hélie: discussion with the founder
Here is a short video (in French) to understand how Romain is using his Lytefire: At the beginning of 2024, our colleague Muriel went to visit Romain Zamboni in East France. The goal was to understand better his work and motivation to start a solar powered brewery. Romain has been able to (…)

A new solar baking activity in Ethiopia
STEM has proudly equipped the EMUABENAN Bakery Union in Wolayta, in Ehtiopia! This initiative is empowering local entrepreneurs and addressing energy and food security challenges in the community. Through collaboration and innovation, STEM is fostering entrepreneurship among youth and women (…)

Nouvelle activité boulangère au Burkina-Faso
C’est dans le village de Poa Loaga que s’est déroulée cette étape de notre partenariat avec la Fondation Jansen PrimeSteps visant à équiper des groupes de femmes dynamiques avec des fours solaires de boulangerie. Toujours bien épaulés par Mr Vincent Nikiema, fondateur de SOS Energie (…)

Energie solaire, Urgence climatique et Engagement collectif
A l’occasion de la célébration du 50e anniversaire du congrès de l’UNESCO tenu en 1973 sur « Le soleil au service de l’Homme », une journée d’étude « Energie solaire, Urgence climatique et Engagement collectif » a été organisée le 12 décembre 2023 au Collège de France. Les participants (…)

Successful crowdfunding campaign for Haïti
It’s another small victory against the forces of darkness, confusion and despair! Thanks to you, Makenson and his family are really happy to be able to move forward with their great initiative for Haiti! A big thank you to everyone for your support of the crowdfunding for the PAIN SOLEIL (…)

Energy Savings with Lytefire - Fast Returns or Waste of Money? Calculate Yourself!
Today Lytefire powers several solar bakeries, roasteries, kitchens and even a brewery and even a sauna. Every time this solar concentrating technology is used, it means no electricity, no charcoal and no firewood is burnt. Good for the planet, and good for the users’ wallets. But how good? (…)

Peace & Bread
One reason to be happy: No AI will ever be able to provide an “experience” as powerful as sharing fresh bread with our friends and beloved ones. Bread is a key food in many cultures, a symbol for sharing, conviviality and generosity. Bread is a simple food, yet nutritious and delicious. (…)

Des nouvelles de Lougsi
Les 105 femmes du village de Lougsi, situé à 30 km de Ouagadougou, ont été accompagnées par l’association locale SOS Energie, par notre équipe et la Fondation Jansen PrimeSteps pour se doter d’un four solaire. Après une longue pause due aux événements politiques, nous avons pu revenir constater (…)
Public Statement regarding Eerik Wissenz
As CEO of Solar Fire Concentration Oy I must inform you that Eerik Wissenz has been spreading falsehoods about our company. Should you have been exposed to his content, we assure you that his accusations of fraud and criminal activity are false, and I invite you to contact the company, should (…)

Lytefire à La Villette, Paris
Tout le weekend, l’association normande des Vagabonds de l’Energie était présente à la Cité des sciences et de l’industrie à Paris pour le festival Tête à Tech. Avec 240 visiteurs, ils ont discuter low tech, énergie solaire, et dégustation savouresue avec les produits de NeoLoco torréfié avec (…)

A Light of Hope in Uganda
The rising levels of poverty and unemployment in low developed countries has left the youth desperate, denying them a chance to attain quality education, ridding them a chance to access sources of capital to start businesses, and leaving masses of opportunities and potential untapped. In Uganda, (…)

Nice solar bakery training in Kakuma
Coming back to Don Bosco Institute Kakuma(DBIK) after the first training, we were so pleased to find that the institution had a fully operational bakery with all the bookkeeping in order and the channels of purchase and sales were well structured. The baker Mr. Yona has been keeping up with (…)

From feeding a group of 20 people to cooking for 100 people!
From Kisumu workshop to the well prepared grounds of Don Bosco Institute in Kakuma, Kenya, a solar oven and 3 cookers were well received, assembled and they boast fully lined up together with the previously installed oven ready to continue serving the local Don Bosco Institute. To continue (…)

First trainings completed for Rape Hurts Foundation
The bottom line of the training is that these girls would be able to open up their own businesses managed by themselves. By doing so, by becoming active sustainable entrepreneurs, the hope is that their problems of dependency and idleness would end. There are people who have been able to see (…)

Love for life celebration
Dear Friends, Today is the day to tell you how much we love life, forest, empowered humans and balanced eco-systems. Love is the root, always. We wish you lots of love and loving choices to make this world a better place. Picture: Valentine’s cake - solar baked by Nebbi’s Smart Up bakery in (…)

First steps towards the installation of a solar bakery in Sudan
At the end of 2022 we implemented our first project in Sudan. Plan International Sudan, an NGO mostly dedicated to education and youth employment, commissioned the installation of a Lytefire 5 unit for a bakery to be installed at Al Alagaya refugee camp in Sudan home of about 28 000 refugee’s. (…)

Last gift this year
Dear solar friends, We are ending the year with a dream that became true (for us). A few days ago we have launched the Lytefire Hub where all Lytefire’s users can gather, find resources, dedicated forums, tips and share positive energy. DIY’ers building the Lytefire 4, Solarpreneurs using (…)

First solar oven installed in Alagaya refugee camp in Sudan
This picture means the world to me. We have installed this week a first solar oven in Alagaya refugee’s camp in Sudan, where about 220 000 people are living. The conditions of this project have been extremely challenging and it’s not fully completed yet but the good will and determination of (…)

Guide Lytefire 4 enfin disponible en français
Nous sommes très heureux de vous annoncer que le guide de construction de la Lytefire 4 est à présent disponible en français. Il a été revu et mis à jour. Et très bientôt (dans 15 jours en fait), on ouvre (enfin) le forum qui va permettre à tous les bricoleurs.euses de se construire le leur. (…)

First solar bakery running at Rape Hurts Foundation
After a successful first training for a very nice group at Rape Hurts Foundation, the participants have been able to start their solar baking production with great success. All together, Augustine Olowo, Allen Odongo and Sam Rodrigues have organized a great training.

Solar kitchen launch with Don Bosco in Kakuma, Kenya
This September Solar Fire started another project with Don Bosco, this time in Kakuma. Kakuma is a small town in the Turkana region, north west of Kenya set in a beautiful yet austere landscape. The region is unfortunately known these days for the climatic stress it is under. It’s the stage (…)

Succesful crowdfunding campaign for East Africa
A big big thank you to all those who have supported this campaign in one way or another. This raised budget will allow to build the 2 Lytefire solar ovens in Kenya and refresh one existing one, to give one to Joan who lives nearby, to send one to Hashimu who is in Tanzania and another one (…)

Solarpreneurs, Production, Events in Normandy and Crowdfunding Success!
Last week I visited Arnaud Crétot in Normandy, who runs a solar bakery powered with our Lytefire 11 Solar Oven. He’s doing great. His solar roasted café made from lentils and chickpeas has just won a trophy (Trophées de l’innovation de l’Agroalimentaire), and his bakery business NeoLoco is (…)

Nebbi Solar Bakery Preparing a Cake for Uganda’s President’s Son’s Birthday
What a lovely birthday cake! It has been solar baked by Nebbi solar bakery for General Muhoozi for his birthday celebration in May 2022. Then, on August 26th, 2022, during the International Youth Day Celebration held last month in different cities in Uganda, Nebbi solar bakery has gained (…)

Three new Solarpreneurs in France!
Thanks to the patient work of Arnaud, Elise, Benoist, Maxence and Loïc, three new French entrepreneurs decided to start using the Lytefire Deluxe manufactured in France to power their activity. They have been inspired by NeoLoco, Arnaud’s solar bakery, and by Lydiane and Manu, who have been the (…)

Two Strong Women Joining
With the title of this post, I refer to Marie NDiaye’s book, Three Strong Women (2009), which is telling the story of three heroines between France and Senegal. It is proven: powerful stories and visions can change the world. Let’s only remember the Civil Rights movement in the US or the raise (…)

Campaign launch! Support Solar Bakery Pioneers in East Africa
Help Joan, Hashimu and Allen to inspire their local communities by harnessing the power of the sun and creating sustainable bakeries! Feeding their community without polluting or deforesting is what Joan, Hashimu and Allen choose to do in order to fight the intensity and acceleration of (…)

Encore plus d’activité à Goghin
Avec le coup d’état du début d’année, les projets prévus ne se sont évidemment pas déroulés comme nous l’espérions. Aussi, afin de rester dans la sécurité avec notre projet principal d’équipe plus de groupes, et notamment des groupes de femmes, avec des fours solaires, c’est à Goghin que nous (…)

The case for Lytefire to produce school meals for 64 million children
The issue of food security is highly relevant with the effects of climate change being further exacerbated with the multitude of political conflicts ongoing. Food prices are on the rise, and as a result malnutrition is growing, which is detrimental especially to children and youths. It is in (…)

New sponsors: Siemenpuu Foundation and ASE
Like any other company, we had to adapt to covid and to the complexity of our world. We don’t want to travel too much for long projects anymore, we need to take into account the rise of pricing for shipping and material, and we still need to address the huge amount of request we receive from all (…)

Pain solaire pour les femmes de Lougsi au Burkina
Ces jours derniers nous sommes allés installer un four solaire Lytefire 6 dans la communauté de Lougsi située à environ 30km de Ouagadougou. Nous avons été très bien accueillis par la communauté des femmes de ce groupe et par les villageois. Ce projet est soutenu par la fondation Jansen (…)

Feeling the Entrepreneurship Spirit in Uganda
I have just returned from an amazing trip to Uganda and Kenya to see firsthand the amazing impacts of Lytefire with some of the 250+ entrepreneurs we have empowered in the last 12 months. Visiting the training site in Uganda As you know we have not only developed the Lytefire solar tech (…)

Our Solar entrepreneurs in Nebbi after Lytefire training!
It has been over 3 months since the training in Nebbi in January and since the trainers left it has been an incredible success! With the Solar Fire team in constant contact with the ‘Smart Up Solar Bakery’ we have witnessed and experienced their passion, motivation and dedication running their (…)

The future shines bright with the ‘Sun Light Solar Bakery!’ in Alebtong
The journey continues with Plan International’s Smart Up Factory as the team visits Alebtong, the most rural area the trainers have visited so far! In the Northern region of Uganda, a 40 minute drive west from Lira District. The surroundings of Alebtong are vast with long stretches of beautiful (…)

In Embu, Kenya, Don Bosco’s Tech School Solar Bakery is up and running
The Don Bosco Technical Institutes boasts a number of different workshops. Walking around the school you can see students working on metal objects, wood furniture, masonry structures, electrical installations and many more activities. Now there is a new work post… a solar bakery! During the (…)

2d project with Plan International in Uganda in 2021-2022
We are back in action in Uganda with Plan International and Plan Uganda! In 2018 we delivered two of our solar bakery and entrepreneurship trainings at Plan’s SmartUp Factory Hubs and now we’re back to do another nine installations and trainings! We have a bigger team and our ovens and Lytefire (…)

It’s Climate Strike today
The Lytefire 4 construction guide is at 5€ instead of 99€ for 24 hours. With it, you can build yourself a solar concentrator to cook, purify water, fry, roast in a pan. We are soon opening a forum for builders providing feedback, updates, for a community to build up. A community complementing (…)
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