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Breaking a cycle

Clean energy access can support stability.

In countries where incomes are low, fuel is expensive and electricity grids are missing or unstable. Energy poverty creates a vicious cycle of deforestation, pollution, ill-health and low-income outcomes.

Energy is the foundation of human activity, and by creating a technology that is cost-effective, adds value to products, outputs at commercial scales, and can be maintained by end-users or local artisans — using free and clean solar energy — it’s possible to increase incomes and well-being while reversing deforestation and reinforcing local resilience to economic and environmental disruptions.


Solar cooking or not?

We stand for Artisans, SMEs and Communities

The solar cookers movement has existed since the ‘70. Solar cookers are great, most of them have free plans online, and solar energy is free and abundant. So why isn’t it spreading like a (solar) fire? The answer is social, mixed with people’s habits and it is yet not so well adapted to most Global South’s cooking habits. Nowadays, people want what they see in the movies and on social networks. They want powerful devices and a nice kitchen, not a plan B. They have sadly been pitched for so long that they are not "developed’’ enough, so that most of them want the "developed Western kitchen" from the movies and the Tiktok. And we can all see that this is not what’s happening, right?

Meanwhile the sun shines and its free energy is underused. There are now several bigger solar cookers with a tube where the food fits in, or a system with a huge parabolic shape. They are great in the West but in the Global South, putting the food in a tube doesn’t work for big quantities, and the big complex parabolic shape do need engineers to be installed and maintained. First, of course, we thought that Lytefire would be "the" solution. And when it comes to cooking for many people, it can be with Lytefire Community Solar Cooker PRO with which you can cook and fry food, as well as boil water to purify it, product comes soon). Check here how Lytefire performs.

Crisis and disasters of all kinds are happening more and more, and, even with tons of connectivity, mega renewable plans, etc., we can see that the vulnerable populations still do not have a massive access to clean reliable energy. So we came up with the idea of a powerful oven reaching 300°C, simple enough to be maintained by its users, built locally and powerful enough to run a profitable activity. And that is the Lytefire PRO.

We have mostly focused on bread making but we have also developed other applications related to food transformation. Now the material and production cost price being still high for the most vulnerable ones, NGO’s are key clients in these contexts and our first partners to start in a country. And after that? Well check the scale up strategy below.