
If not now, when?
If not now, when? Dear Friends, we hope that everyone is doing as good as possible in these complex times – to say the least. Here are a few solar news to cheer you (and us) up! The newsletter is written only in English now because many mail services integrate translation tools. Click here (…)
24 February

If not now, when?
If not now, when? Dear Friends, we hope that everyone is doing good! Chers amis et amies, on espère que vous allez tous bien, This newsletter is in Englishet en français all together because we don’t have much time. We hope you’ll navigate! Bonne lecture! Here are a few solar news for (…)
22 November 2024

If not now, when?
If not now, when? Dear Friends, chers amis, we hope that everyone is doing good! Here are a few solar news for you! This newsletter is in English et en français all together because we don’t have much time. We hope you’ll navigate! Bonne lecture! → The 30% discount on the DIY construction (…)
30 August 2024

4 Great News For Those Willing To Make A Real Impact! / 4 super nouvelles pour celles et ceux qui veulent vraiment du changement !
En Français plus bas 4 Great News For Those Willing To Make A Real Impact! Dear Friends, we are happy to announce the launch of new products. Times are tough in many places but there are solutions! → Finally: Lytefire All-in-One You can now purchase Lytefire’s Solar Concentrator with (…)
13 June 2024

It’s World Environment Day, again
It’s World Environment Day, again. It is because of the beauty of the trees, their silent growth, their patient chemistry to make our air breathable, the shade and the feeling of protection that they create. It is also because of humans still burning tires, scarce wood, dark charcoal to make (…)
5 June 2024

News from Lytefire - Nouvelles de Lytefire
Chers amis et amies solaires, Voici la lettre d’info printanière (il neigeait encore la semaine dernière en Finlande). → Boulangerie solaire en Provence Au Soleil Levain, la nouvelle boulangerie solaire de Hélène et Sébastien va ouvrir en septembre avec un beau four solaire Lytefire (…)
30 April 2024

News from Lytefire - Nouvelles de Lytefire
(For English, see below) Chers amis et amies solaires, Vous êtes de plus en plus nombreux à choisir la Lytefire. Merci. Nos Conditions Générales de Ventes ont été mises à jour. Vous pouvez en prendre connaissance ici. → A propos de Lytefire ! C’est beau de voir ça et ça fait du bien. (…)
21 March 2024

Sunny Newsletter from Lytefire
(in English after) Chers amis et amies solaires, Vous êtes de plus en plus nombreux à opter pour une Lytefire. Merci. → Les femmes de Lougsi ! C’est à une trentaine de kilomètres de Ouagadougou, au Burkina Faso, que la centaine de femmes de Lougsi ont accueilli avec joie un four solaire (…)
28 February 2024

Sunny Newsletter from Lytefire
(in English after) Chers amis et amies solaires, Nous espérons de tout cœur que cette année 2024 commence au mieux pour vous et votre famille. Il semble que cette lettre d’information soit bien appréciée et nous vous remercions de votre temps pour lire nos dernières nouvelles. → (…)
23 January 2024

Sunny Newsletter from Lytefire
(en français plus bas) Dear Solar Friends, One reason to be happy: No AI will ever be able to provide an “experience” as powerful as sharing fresh bread with our friends and beloved ones. Bread is a key food in many cultures, a symbol for sharing, conviviality and generosity. Bread is a (…)
29 December 2023

Sunny Newsletter from Lytefire
(en français plus bas) Dear Solar Friends, how are you? Generosity is a key value for our team. And for sure, we do not develop like any other energy companies! The big difference is that we encourage energy autonomy, and mutual support to make a real social change. So this last (…)
1 December 2023

Sunny Newsletter from Lytefire
(en français plus bas) Dear Solar Friends 💛 It’s us again because it’s soon Christmas and some of you might be interested in ordering nice solar products. We are happy to highlight Lydiane Tirel’s solar roasted seeds. She is running Du Soleil et des Graines in France and that is why the (…)
10 November 2023

Sunny Newsletter from Lytefire
(en français plus bas) Dear Solar Friends 💛 We hope you’re good! This is a short newsletter to invite you to discover the growing number of Lytefire users. 🔶 If you’re following us on the social networks LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook, you have probably noticed that we recently started (…)
7 November 2023

Sunny Newsletter from Lytefire
Dear Solar Friends 💛 We are very grateful for the warm welcome you gave to the new website presenting our new offers and services. Thanks to you, we are finally transitioning from working only with NGOs to work with everyone. Our dream is now real. 7 years ago we were doing a first (…)
25 September 2023

Sunny Newsletter from Lytefire
Dear Solar Friends 💛 We are very grateful for the warm welcome you gave to the new website presenting our new offers and services. Thanks to you, we are finally transitioning from working only with NGOs to work with everyone. Our dream is now real. 7 years ago we were doing a first (…)
25 September 2023

Sunny Newsletter from Lytefire
Dear Solar Friends 💛 This summer is going to be very hot in many places with lots of risks for the forests and the people. It’s time to embrace the change and equip yourself with a sustainable and local energy solution that can preserve the environment and make you more autonomous. And as you (…)
15 June 2023
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