Dear Solar Friends đź’›
We are very grateful for the warm welcome you gave to the new website presenting our new offers and services. Thanks to you, we are finally transitioning from working only with NGOs to work with everyone.
Our dream is now real.
7 years ago we were doing a first crowdfunding and saying: “It’s about local people building what they need to empower their community” (video), and Will was already pitching the hub where all users could share on forums.
Today everyone can access a Lytefire anywhere and 261 people are on the hub.
Lytefire 4 and 5 can be built in your garden or for your community with one of the construction guides. Lytefire 5 Artisan can be purchased from a local artisan who got a Micro-Licence from us. Lytefire 5 Pro can be shipped to any humanitarian programs, farms, professional bakeries or local associations in Africa thanks to our solid and growing cooperation with Metco, our partner in Kenya. For NGO’s, our educational packages are still available. Lytefire 5 Deluxe with trailer and Lytefire 11 Deluxe are perfectly adapted to EU markets and regulations, and made with dedication by CPM Industries, our long lasting French partner in this adventure.
Discover the options available in your country - Check the Shop!

Before summer, the co-pilots of the Lytefire ship had the joy of receiving confirmation of NEFCO (the Nordic Green Bank)’s financial support. This will allow more stable working conditions to continue the good work with Muriel, Joan, Sam, Allen, Martin, Helena, Susanne, Will and all the others joining the journey.
And we’re now happy to present to you some of the most active users of Lytefire:
🔶 Michel created a “fake” coffee based on local beans in West France. His micro-company is called Lug, named after the Celtic sun deity. Michel is also running a great association and we’ll present his educational actions later on.

🔶 Joan firmly believes in the impact of Lytefire. Two years ago she started the Solar Fire Bakery in Kenya and many of you have supported through our 2d crowdfunding campaign. She now has a stable basis of regular clients.

🔶 Didier runs l’Atelier Bélénos in France. He is roasting seeds and creates energy bars. For this innovative spirit, he recently won the local “Eco-Défis” (Eco-Challenges) from the Chambre des Métiers et de l’Artisanat.

🔶 Prudence is based in Uganda. She used to be a trainee from a project with Plan International. With friends, she’s running the Solar Bakery Nebbi with great success.

🔶 In East France, Grégoire is an active member of the Low Tech Lab. He took an Artisan Micro-License with us and is now starting to produce Lytefire locally for his clients.

🔶 Near the Pyrenees mountains, Quentin recently created Aurinko (meaning “Sun” in Finnish). He specialized in solar roasted seeds.

🔶 In East France again, Romain Zamboni got inspired by Lytefire (and many other things obviously) to create Hélie, a solar micro-brewery. It just opened a few days ago!

🔶 Bread, roasted seeds and “bean to bar” chocolate, that’s what Bruzhun (meaning “crumbs’’ in the Breton language) is starting to offer with the Lytefire Deluxe. Enora just got her solar oven this summer.

🔶 Du Soleil et des Graines is based in France and they have been the very first to follow NeoLoco’s model. The family is offering a great set of sweet and salted roasted seeds products. They also organize training days at their place.

🔶 In France, Céline is offering roasted seeds, herbs salt, crumbs for deep fry recipes and also energy bars, all prepared with direct solar heat. Check her site Solé B’Rayon.

🔶 Noblessence, a small French carpentry company, tested wooden burnt cladding with Lytefire. Lots of enthusiasm around that!

All these entrepreneurs are courageous pioneers who have been inspired by Arnaud Cretot, who developed his solar bakery NeoLoco around the possibilities offered by Lytefire. We are grateful to all of them for their trust and courage, and we thank them for everything they do to make this world a better place. Now that we are more stable, we will progressively improve and present them all in a more dynamic way on our site to inspire more and more entrepreneurs.

Aurinko’s presentation
💛 We are updating our site and adding products on a regular basis. Check your location to see if a Lytefire solution is available near you. If that’s not the case yet, please join a waiting list as it won’t be long before manufactured Lytefires can be available everywhere!
đź’› Next time we will also present Vincent, Catherine, and Denis, who recently got their solar oven, as well as 3 associations working with Lytefire and a project in Madagascar. And meanwhile, hopefully Hashimu and Allen will also be able to receive theirs in Tanzania and in Uganda.
💛 If you’re interested to manufacture and commercialize Lytefire in your country, a traditional Commercial License, and an Artisan Micro-License for limited local production, are available to you. Join us to bring Lytefire to people everywhere and reinforce local production !
→ Become a licensee
đź’› The community of builders and users is growing. We are still selling the Lytefire 5 construction manual (Lytefire solar concentrator + oven) for DIYers with a good discount in order to allow many to get theirs hands on it and build theirs for next Summer.
↓↓ Check the offer with a 30% discount to get your plans now! ↓↓

→ Get your plans now!
💛 Pour nos francophones, si vous l’avez pas déjà , c’est toujours le moment de commander le livre d’Arnaud. Que vous soyez boulangers ou pas, ce livre propose la vision et l’expérience d’un homme courageux, qui a forgé ses réponses à la question essentielle de son rôle dans la société et sa façon de contribuer à un monde auquel il croit. C’est un petit livre inspirant, profond et motivant à faire circuler largement !

→ Commandez La Boulangerie Solaire
Thank you for reading. Take care and have a great start of autumn (or spring in the South)

Maria Gordon Illustrations (merci Florence)
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