Last February, Autodesk Foundation team visited 2 groups of entrepreneurs in Kenya and they were fully convinced by the impact of the Lytefire. On the top picture, our followers can identify Mr David Chepkwony, first solar baker in Kenya, always so enthusiastic and happy with his Lytefire at Koptige!

Our team is so happy to announce that the Autodesk Foundation (USA) is renewing us a grant this year to support our work for a very exciting support program.
Thanks to Autodesk Foundation, we were invited last year at Pier9 in San Francisco to learn CNC and prototype and they actively supported our educational actions in Kenya with our partner World Vision Kenya and World Vision Finland.
All the team is very motivated to continue the good job and expand the solar fire as much as possible!
Autodesk is inviting us at the Near Future Summit in California in May, so stay tuned!!