A simple tech that turns sunshine into powerful heat
What They Say
With the solar roastery business model, we can see that based on their performance they can reach an income of 160€ per month" — Allen Odongo, Bakery Trainer, with Plan International in Uganda
The solar bakery reached a turnover of 123€ per month" — Champion’s Bakery in Ogur (with Plan International in Uganda)
We are able to save 500€ per month of buying bread that we now bake ourselves, and on top of that, the solar bakery brings an income of 260€ every month from additional sales" — Mwanza Montessori School, Tanzania
Lytefire Impact Calculator
Each time you install a Lytefire, every sunny day you’ll get energy without polluting. Select the quantity of Lytefire you need:

1 Lytefire have the following impact each year:

kpi_1 tons CO₂
not emitted (CO₂eq)
kpi_2 baguettes baked *
African baguettes are about 40cm in length and 150g.
or kpi_4 meals cooked **
650g of cooked rice and beans
800 calories per meal
kpi_3 trees
or kpi_4 m² of forest preserved
* African baguettes are about 40cm in length and 150g.
** 650g of cooked rice and beans
800 calories per meal
This impact comes when replacing firewood as a fuel
Your 0 Lytefire are preserving each year kpi_3 trees
Simple and local, with zero CO2 Emissions
when using any version of Lytefire. Because the best CO2 is the one not emitted. More about Lytefire
Delicious food!
Cooking, baking, roasting with direct solar energy doesn’t change the taste of food. With this system, it is also possible to can food, or even to create a micro-brewery.
Protect the air and the forests
5 tons of CO² are not emitted each year for each Lytefire used 210 days p.a. to replace wood and charcoal in Kenya.
Managing Director and Founder

I believe in Lytefire because it’s a simple, robust and powerful clean energy solution. It can be built locally just about anywhere. It doesn’t require complexity to be built, used and maintained. That is why it is also important and urgent to train the youth.
I also love Lytefire because it allows people to be more autonomous without pollution, it reinforces gender equality and it strengthens the local economy. Its impact is real and immediate.
Energy is a common good. And Lytefire’s team is proud to spread access to clean energy with you."
Lytefire is much more than a solar oven, it is a real tool for a social change. Watch Lytefire in action :
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