It was an exciting moment when David pulled out the first batch of freshly baked muffins from his Lytefire 5 Oven. This was back in 2016, for a project with World Vision in Kenya, and David used the oven daily for years before moving on to a new job elsewhere. Before using Lytefire 5, David was baking with an electric oven given by World Vision and with charcoal.
Before working with the Lytefire 5, David used to spend money on electricity and charcoal. But the grid was so bad that he couldn’t develop his business properly. When the power was out he couldn’t bake, and with charcoal his product would be low-quality and his profit margins would be slim. With the launch of his solar bakery, David has been able to reduce his fuel costs and increase his output! The shiny Lytefire 5 also attracted many visitors to his rural bakery, and so he decided to open up a small cafe to sell snacks and beverages to the interested crowd.
With a clean energy source adapted to his needs, David had the opportunity to be a creative and productive baker as long as he wanted to. His enthusiasm has been such a great inspiration for us!
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